Welcome To The Daily Awakening

Welcome To The Daily  Awakening

Merry Meet
The Daily Awakening is a guide for one to choose to reflect , journey and walk in spirit. This guide serves each of you as individuals . You may take out of the postings what appeals to you and leave the rest for someone else.

We are not here to judge another or insist that one path, one journey or one religion is the true and right course to go.The Daily Awakening is a site of spiritual, mystical, metaphysical and Pagan reflection. All religions are welcome without judgement. May that be of the diverse and various Pagan Tenants, Buddhist, Xian ETC…………….

There will be absolutely no judgement of other people rights, beliefs and faith systems. This guide serves as an enrichment to all those beliefs. Take out of each word that you read and what you personally are akin to and leave the rest for others who may be more akin and adhere to their worldview of beliefs , their faith and other spiritual influences that they incorporate in their daily living.

You may receive this newsletter by signing up as a member or you may just want to read it online. If you do sign up the The Daily Awakening would come to you in a digest, or as a single post depending on how you choose to receive it in your mailbox.This community will not tolerate racism, judgement of other religions, gay phobias and/or discrimination, profanity, pornographic materials ETC. The administrator reserves the right to remove such content and remove any individual that does not adhere to these reasonable expectations and rules. However, if it should come to that, and a person must be removed or banned, we will do our best to try to resolve the conflict with the person as opposed to removing them. We want everyone to enjoy the guide and hopefully learn from this guide .

Without further ado, enjoy and Bright Blessings.

Merry Part!
