Aboriginal First Nations Votes & Quebec Votes In Canada- Get Out And Vote- Make It Count! (via Truth Is Pagan Media That Bites)

Aboriginal First Nations Votes & Quebec Votes In Canada- Get Out And Vote- Make It Count! In the beginning of Politics and voting in Canada only a group of privileged men were allowed to vote in this country. Today it is a constitutional right for every Canadian to vote. No longer does the male gender dominate the political front in terms of voting privilege. Today, Women, First Nations, and all Minorities have the right to vote in this country not just the male gender. Aris-Arnelle Durocher Yesterday the Harper Government delivered C … Read More

via Truth Is Pagan Media That Bites

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Elders Meditation Of The Day- Creator’s Simple Laws Bring Happiness

The Creator designed a very simple set of Laws for us to follow. If we follow these simple things, we’ll be happy. If we don’t follow these simple things, our lives become complicated.

For example:

Respect Mother Earth

Love one another

Be truthful

Give to your brother and sisters

Be gentle with each other

Be happy

Following these simple Laws will have great rewards.

Great Spirit, let me lead a simple life.

The Daily Feast- Ignoring Common Sense

In retrospect, we have ignored common sense in favor of doing what we wanted to do. We wish we had not done it, but we said what we wanted to say, spoke out when it would have been better to stay quiet – we have overruled our common sense. Looking back again, when did we get off track? What little thing stung us into action? If we learn to hear the voice of wisdom we can overcome our foolishness. Wisdom never lets us down, but ignoring it will put away from us the best friend we can have. 

~ I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. ~

‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Think Of These Things- Thoughts Left Unguarded

Thoughts are things. Left unguarded we expect them to rule us with ruthless persistence. Like attracts like. We are what we think. Emerson believed there was something stronger then any material force.It was his belief that thoughts ruled the world. To think positively is sometimes referred to as refusing to face reality. But who is wise enough to determine what reality is, and who can describe it? The things we see and touch are merely objects made up of tiny particles we can’t see individually. So it is with reality- tiny thought we don’t remember thinking, but the result is obviously positive or negative.

If we think continually of how sick and nervous, how unhappy, and poverty-stricken we ware, then we can expect to be so afflicted. Tiny thoughts produce large results. When we’ve learned to control our circumstances.

Imperfect thoughts, like unsavory characters, can come to anyone’s door, but we don’t have to let them in. Sometimes we have to look beyond present appearances and set the truth of things that any product is only worth as much as the quality of its materials.

We would be wise to put into practice the teachings of Phillipeans 4.8.

“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things”.

Author: Joyce Sequichie Hifler ~1966~

Today’s Positive Thought-Affirmation And Visualization- You Are What You Think!

Think about good things and good things will come to you! You bestow upon yourselves what you think. Your aura’s are filled with what you think. If your thoughts are kind, generous you will attune yourself and your aura of sending out a vibrational frequency of that positive energy. If you are filled with hate you will engulf yourselves with your own hatred. You have heard the saying you are what you eat, at the same token you you are what you think! Therefore you in the end only hurt yourself!

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Today’s Positive Thought

Being conscious of your thoughts is the first step
in transforming your reality.
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Today’s Positive Affirmation

I AM conscious of my thoughts and I easily replace
them with thoughts that create the life I desire.

Today’s Positive Visualization

I begin to breathe slowly and evenly. With each
new breath I release any confusion from my thinking.
I imagine that my mind is becoming perfectly clear
and free of all doubt and worry. In my mind’s eye
I see myself going throughout my day being conscious
of my thoughts and feelings. I imagine that I am
easily able to replace any limiting thoughts with
limitless positive ones. As I combine these new
expanded thoughts with a positive emotion I see
my thoughts becoming the reality I want and deserve.
I give thanks that my thoughts create a wonderful
reality for me. I combine these images with the
feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they
will create the good things I am visualizing and